Can whatsapp login be used for facebook
Can whatsapp login be used for facebook

We plan to build this the way we’ve developed WhatsApp.”

can whatsapp login be used for facebook

This is the future I hope we will help bring about. Acknowledging that “we don’t currently have a strong reputation for building privacy protective services,” the Facebook CEO wrote that “I believe the future of communication will increasingly shift to private, encrypted services where people can be confident what they say to each other stays secure and their messages and content won’t stick around forever. When Mark Zuckerberg unveiled a new “privacy-focused vision” for Facebook in March 2019, he cited the company’s global messaging service, WhatsApp, as a model. We’ve altered language in the story to make clear that the company examines only messages from threads that have been reported by users as possibly abusive. 8, 2021: A previous version of this story caused unintended confusion about the extent to which WhatsApp examines its users’ messages and whether it breaks the encryption that keeps the exchanges secret.

Can whatsapp login be used for facebook